Workplace Mediation

We mediate internal workplace conflicts between employees.

Mediation can be used to resolve a wide range of situations. As an early intervention, it can be effective to address trust and identity issues in relationships before a conflict spins out of control.

Our practice focuses on conflict internal to organizations. HR managers ask me to mediate disputes between employees, and also to mediate post-investigation or post-hearing.


We coach managers and executives who recognize the importance of conflict handling skills for the advancement of their own careers.

We typically address a particular conflict situation. Through a series of conversations we explore your conflict management abilities. We also consider the barriers that are preventing you from being a competent conflict manager.

We may ask that you take either or both of these instruments: The Conflict Handling Style Instrument and The Conflict Dynamics Profile.

The Conflict Handling Style Instrument explores your propensity to use one of the five styles: avoid, accommodate, compete, compromise and collaborate. You discover how to strategize, and make informed choices about which conflict handling style to use in the future.

The Conflict Dynamics Profile focuses on constructive and destructive behaviors that influence how conflict unfolds. This instrument has been endorsed by the Center for Creative Leadership. They consider conflict management as the number one developmental need of managers in their Foundations of Leadership program.

Training HR Professionals To Mediate

We train and certify HR members to mediate internal workplace conflicts and disputes themselves.

Certification is offered by the HR Mediation Academy and U.C. Hastings

Teams in Trouble (Mediation)

To facilitate means to make easier.
When team communication is strained,
When team members are unclear about how decisions are made,
When team members are afraid to ask questions,
When ideas are supported or opposed because of personality and not merit,
It doesn’t feel easy.

We facilitate your important meetings so that you can be productive.

We also facilitate the team development process to:

  • Open lines of communication and clarify roles

  • Clarifying how decisions are made

  • Establishing acceptable group norms for communication and behavior

  • Deal with emotional baggage and resolve conflicts

  • Restore a productive sense of harmony to the team

  • Support the shift from a blame to a learning culture

sensitive 360 degree evaluations

Demystifying art law is in itself a creative practice. It requires finesse, strategic structuring, and, in many ways, empathy. At the end of the day, art and its worth is profoundly personal. In such matters, mediation or arbitration almost always yields the most fulfilling results. However, should the occasion arise, our lawyers are more than prepared to move into litigation. From artists, agents, dealers, galleries, museums, and auction houses, our clients have always walked away from their disputes or deals knowing that their core interests were preserved.

SOFt Skills Training

We provide soft skills training with a variety of focuses, including communication, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, assertion, negotiation, mediation, dealing with difficult behavior, customer service, nonverbal communication, stress management and cultural sensitivity.

Through our training’s we support your organization be conflict-management competent, which involves:

  • Knowing how to identify conflict early so you can nip it in the bud

  • Having simple tools to deescalate, not escalate, conflict

  • Having a clear path to the lasting resolution of conflict

Mediation Program Design

We facilitate a process for the design of a the mediation program for your organization that includes an implementation plan.

Mediations are typically conducted by members of HR, but can also be conducted by line managers.